BVCITS | Revaluation/Recounting Results for III B.Tech I & II semester (R16/R19/R20)


BVCITS | Revaluation/Recounting Results for III B.Tech I & II semester (R16/R19/R20)

BVCITS has announced Revaluation/Recounting Result of III B.Tech II Semester R20, R19, R16 Supplementary Examinations Dec 2023. So many students are applied for Recounting/Revaluation/Challenge By Revaluation. Today JNTUK has announced 3-2 Sem RC/RV results 2023.

Those who have failed or doubts in the marks, Applied for recounting or revaluation by paying fees at online portal. After Revaluation of papers, today jntuk has released the results and Sent the marks to respective colleges.


Revaluation/Recounting Results for III B.Tech I & II semester (R16/R19/R20)

III B.Tech I semester (R16/R19/R20)
III B.Tech II semester (R16/R19/R20)

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