Industry Institution Partnership cell

Cells / Committees


Industry Institution Partnership cell

A.Y. 2022 -2023


Chair person  : Head of the Institution.

Convener  : One faculty from institution.

Members    : Advisors from industry, One Professor from each department   &  Training and Placement Officer.

Frequency of Meeting: Once in Semester.

Functions of the Cell:
  1. To provide and facilitate Guest Lectures, Interactive Workshops, Seminars, Technical Discussions with members of the industry, outside experts, eminent personalities at regular interval.
  2. To provide campus placements for students, Inviting companies to institute for Recruitments.
  3. To provide Internship facilities for students and to make them ready to face Industrial challenges.
  4. To conduct Industrial Training, Industrial visits for students at regular intervals with collaborative nature.
  5. To gain industrial experience and/or to work on projects in Academics.
  6. To provide short-term programs and Education opportunities to improve their skills.

A.Y. 2021 - 2022


Chair person  : Head of the Institution.

Convener  : One faculty from institution.

Members    : Advisors from industry, One Professor from each department   &  Training and Placement Officer.

Frequency of Meeting: Once in Semester.

Functions of the Cell:
  1. To provide and facilitate Guest Lectures, Interactive Workshops, Seminars, Technical Discussions with members of the industry, outside experts, eminent personalities at regular interval.
  2. To provide campus placements for students, Inviting companies to institute for Recruitments.
  3. To provide Internship facilities for students and to make them ready to face Industrial challenges.
  4. To conduct Industrial Training, Industrial visits for students at regular intervals with collaborative nature.
  5. To gain industrial experience and/or to work on projects in Academics.
  6. To provide short-term programs and Education opportunities to improve their skills.

A.Y. 2020 - 2021


Chair person  : Head of the Institution.

Convener  : One faculty from institution.

Members    : Advisors from industry, One Professor from each department   &  Training and Placement Officer.

Frequency of Meeting: Once in Semester.

Functions of the Cell:
  1. To provide and facilitate Guest Lectures, Interactive Workshops, Seminars, Technical Discussions with members of the industry, outside experts, eminent personalities at regular interval.
  2. To provide campus placements for students, Inviting companies to institute for Recruitments.
  3. To provide Internship facilities for students and to make them ready to face Industrial challenges.
  4. To conduct Industrial Training, Industrial visits for students at regular intervals with collaborative nature.
  5. To gain industrial experience and/or to work on projects in Academics.
  6. To provide short-term programs and Education opportunities to improve their skills.

A.Y. 2019 - 2020


Chair person  : Head of the Institution.

Convener  : One faculty from institution.

Members    : Advisors from industry, One Professor from each department   &  Training and Placement Officer.

Frequency of Meeting: Once in Semester.

Functions of the Cell:
  1. To provide and facilitate Guest Lectures, Interactive Workshops, Seminars, Technical Discussions with members of the industry, outside experts, eminent personalities at regular interval.
  2. To provide campus placements for students, Inviting companies to institute for Recruitments.
  3. To provide Internship facilities for students and to make them ready to face Industrial challenges.
  4. To conduct Industrial Training, Industrial visits for students at regular intervals with collaborative nature.
  5. To gain industrial experience and/or to work on projects in Academics.
  6. To provide short-term programs and Education opportunities to improve their skills.
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