April 21, 2023 2024-10-07 9:27Patents
Computer Science & Engineering
- “Design and Development of IOT enabled Surveillance robotic Vehicle” with application no 202341004314A, Publication Date:17.02.2023 Name of the Applicant/Inventor: Dr.Katikireddy Srinivas.
- “A system and method based on neutral network and hidden markov modeling for predicting drug property” with application no.202141030994A, Publication Date:16.07.2021,Name of the Applicant/Inventor: Dr.Katikireddy Srinivas.
- “Optimization method for machine learning based clustering of serial big data” with application no.201941043600A, Publication Date: 01.11.2019.Name of the Applicant/inventor : Dr.M.Akila Rani.
- “Vehicle Ad-hoc Network to prevent traffic Accidents” with application no.202022102153.8,Name of theApplicant/Inventor: Dr.Vardharajan Bhoopathy.