Electrical & Electronics Engineering
[ Accredited by NBA ]

BVCITS| BVC Institute of Technology & Science



1.Dr. Muthuvel BalasubramanianChairProfessor & Head, Department of EEE,BVCITS
2.Mr. A N V J Raja GopalCo-ChairProfessor, Department of EEE,BVCITS
3.Mr.S.Chandra Prakash RaoMemberAssociate Professor, Department of EEE, BVCITS
4.Mr.P.Siva PrasadMemberAssistant Professor, Department of EEE, BVCITS
5.Mrs.Ch.Ganga BhavaniMemberAssistant Professor, Department of EEE, BVCITS
6.Dr.M.Gopichand NayakMemberProfessor, Department of EEE, Andhra University, Vizag.
7.Mr. Ch. Mahadev KumarMemberManager ,Oil Rigs BHEL Ramachandrapuram Hyderabad
8.Mr. P. Naveen KumarMemberAlumni, Sr Software Engineer,Tech Mahindra
9.Mrs. Usha Rani TataMemberParent




  • Formation/Revision of Vision and Mission of the department
  • Formation/Revision of Program Educational Objectives
  • Formulation of workable solutions for improvement in the following areas
    • Quality of Teaching Learning Process
    • Industry Institution Interaction.
    • Increase the employability of students.
    • Improve the Research & Development activities in the Department.
    • Inclusion of topics beyond the syllabus to meet the PEO and PO and bridge the existing gap through encouraging students to do additional experiments in labs and through expert talks in areas beyond the scope of the syllabus.
    • Introduction of Value added training courses and internships
    • Encourage entrepreneurship activities in the department.
    • Suggestions for Strengthening of Dept. Alumni Activities
    • Encouraging the Student participation in Co and Extra Curricular Activities
    • Driving the department towards doing Quality projects.
    • Encouraging the student community to do Quality Certifications.

2023 -2024  MOM & ATR [ Click Here ]

2022 -2023  MOM & ATR [ Click Here ]

2021 -2022  MOM & ATR [ Click Here ]

2020 -2021  MOM & ATR [ Click Here ]

2019 -2020  MOM & ATR [ Click Here ]

2018 -2019  MOM & ATR [ Click Here ]

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