Alumni Cell

Cells / Committees


A.Y. 2022 -2023


Chairperson                                    : Head of the Institution.

Convener                                        : Senior faculty from the Institution

Treasurer                                           : One senior faculty

Members                                         : One representative from each department having minimum five years of experience.

                                                           One alumni representative from each  department

Frequency of meeting: Once in a semester and when the need arrives.

Functions of the Cell:
  1. To provide a forum to establish a link between the alumni and students of the Institute.
  2. To enable the alumni to participate in activities that would contribute to the general development of the Institute and the Society.
  3. To encourage the alumni to take active interest in the progress of institution.
  4. To identify best alumni entrepreneur to recruit students.
  5. To support academic activities like Conferences, Workshops, Technical symposiums, Guest Lectures with the help of the Alumni.
  6. To give scholarships to meritorious students.
  7. To give awards to toppers of all branches of engineering.
  8. To promote Entrepreneurship & Innovation among the students.
  9. To help the students graduating from the College in securing professional training and employment consistent with their qualification.
  10. To help the students in identifying organizations for doing project–internships works in connection with their curriculum.

MOM 1 2022 -2023 [ CLICK HERE]

MOM 1 2022 -2023 [ CLICK HERE]

A.Y. 2021 - 2022


Chairperson                                    : Head of the Institution.

Convener                                        : Senior faculty from the Institution

Treasurer                                           : One senior faculty

Members                                         : One representative from each department having minimum five years of experience.

                                                           One alumni representative from each  department

Frequency of meeting: Once in a semester and when the need arrives.

Functions of the Cell:
  1. To provide a forum to establish a link between the alumni and students of the Institute.
  2. To enable the alumni to participate in activities that would contribute to the general development of the Institute and the Society.
  3. To encourage the alumni to take active interest in the progress of institution.
  4. To identify best alumni entrepreneur to recruit students.
  5. To support academic activities like Conferences, Workshops, Technical symposiums, Guest Lectures with the help of the Alumni.
  6. To give scholarships to meritorious students.
  7. To give awards to toppers of all branches of engineering.
  8. To promote Entrepreneurship & Innovation among the students.
  9. To help the students graduating from the College in securing professional training and employment consistent with their qualification.
  10. To help the students in identifying organizations for doing project–internships works in connection with their curriculum.

MOM 1 2021 -2022 [ CLICK HERE]

MOM 1 2021 -2022 [ CLICK HERE]

A.Y. 2020 - 2021


Chairperson                                    : Head of the Institution.

Convener                                        : Senior faculty from the Institution

Treasurer                                           : One senior faculty

Members                                         : One representative from each department having minimum five years of experience.

                                                           One alumni representative from each  department

Frequency of meeting: Once in a semester and when the need arrives.

Functions of the Cell:
  1. To provide a forum to establish a link between the alumni and students of the Institute.
  2. To enable the alumni to participate in activities that would contribute to the general development of the Institute and the Society.
  3. To encourage the alumni to take active interest in the progress of institution.
  4. To identify best alumni entrepreneur to recruit students.
  5. To support academic activities like Conferences, Workshops, Technical symposiums, Guest Lectures with the help of the Alumni.
  6. To give scholarships to meritorious students.
  7. To give awards to toppers of all branches of engineering.
  8. To promote Entrepreneurship & Innovation among the students.
  9. To help the students graduating from the College in securing professional training and employment consistent with their qualification.
  10. To help the students in identifying organizations for doing project–internships works in connection with their curriculum.

MOM 1 2020 – 2021 [ CLICK HERE]

A.Y. 2019 - 2020


Chairperson                                    : Head of the Institution.

Convener                                        : Senior faculty from the Institution

Treasurer                                           : One senior faculty

Members                                         : One representative from each department having minimum five years of experience.

                                                           One alumni representative from each  department

Frequency of meeting: Once in a semester and when the need arrives.

Functions of the Cell:
  1. To provide a forum to establish a link between the alumni and students of the Institute.
  2. To enable the alumni to participate in activities that would contribute to the general development of the Institute and the Society.
  3. To encourage the alumni to take active interest in the progress of institution.
  4. To identify best alumni entrepreneur to recruit students.
  5. To support academic activities like Conferences, Workshops, Technical symposiums, Guest Lectures with the help of the Alumni.
  6. To give scholarships to meritorious students.
  7. To give awards to toppers of all branches of engineering.
  8. To promote Entrepreneurship & Innovation among the students.
  9. To help the students graduating from the College in securing professional training and employment consistent with their qualification.
  10. To help the students in identifying organizations for doing project–internships works in connection with their curriculum.
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