Information & Communication Technology

Cells / Committees


Information & Communication Technology

A.Y. 2022 -2023


Chairperson: Head of the Institution.

Coordinator: One senior faculty from the Institution.


Faculty Members : One faculty from each Department.

Student Members : One student from each department

                                 All the Staff members related to ICT.

Functions of the Cell:
  1. To organize Website / ICT / Internet in the Institution.
  2. Providing internet facility to Whole Campus through WiFi & LAN.
  3. Need of Regular service and changes in Internet / Web service.
  4. Providing assistance to end users related to Internet / Website.
  5. To bring College updates accomplishments and issues to the readers.
  6. Posting the required articles to the web site with photos in step with the required website pages.

A.Y. 2021 - 2022


Chairperson: Head of the Institution.

Coordinator: One senior faculty from the Institution.


Faculty Members : One faculty from each Department.

Student Members : One student from each department

                                 All the Staff members related to ICT.

Functions of the Cell:
  1. To organize Website / ICT / Internet in the Institution.
  2. Providing internet facility to Whole Campus through WiFi & LAN.
  3. Need of Regular service and changes in Internet / Web service.
  4. Providing assistance to end users related to Internet / Website.
  5. To bring College updates accomplishments and issues to the readers.
  6. Posting the required articles to the web site with photos in step with the required website pages.

A.Y. 2020 - 2021


Chairperson: Head of the Institution.

Coordinator: One senior faculty from the Institution.


Faculty Members : One faculty from each Department.

Student Members : One student from each department

                                 All the Staff members related to ICT.

Functions of the Cell:
  1. To organize Website / ICT / Internet in the Institution.
  2. Providing internet facility to Whole Campus through WiFi & LAN.
  3. Need of Regular service and changes in Internet / Web service.
  4. Providing assistance to end users related to Internet / Website.
  5. To bring College updates accomplishments and issues to the readers.
  6. Posting the required articles to the web site with photos in step with the required website pages.

A.Y. 2019 - 2020


Chairperson: Head of the Institution.

Coordinator: One senior faculty from the Institution.


Faculty Members : One faculty from each Department.

Student Members : One student from each department

                                 All the Staff members related to ICT.

Functions of the Cell:
  1. To organize Website / ICT / Internet in the Institution.
  2. Providing internet facility to Whole Campus through WiFi & LAN.
  3. Need of Regular service and changes in Internet / Web service.
  4. Providing assistance to end users related to Internet / Website.
  5. To bring College updates accomplishments and issues to the readers.
  6. Posting the required articles to the web site with photos in step with the required website pages.
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